Onsite Policy & Procedure
Last updated
Last updated
Our Franklin store offers a small retail area where we showcase a selection of products from our producers. We have dry goods shelves, two freezers and a refrigerator. The fees are the same as for online orders (17.5% deducted from producers sales and 15% added to consumer sales) and the amount you sell on-site is added to your bi-weekly check. Staff must approve all items for on-site sales.
In order to sell onsite go to your Producer Catalog and click the “Edit” button on the Variety section. (Your product(s) must already be listed in the IFC software.)
If you want your item(s) to be available for on-site only, and not on the web, simply DO NOT check the listing status checkbox when you create your item(s). Leaving these boxes unchecked will create a listing but it will be unlisted.
You must then email onsite@iowafood.coop if you’d like to sell on-site as staff must add an on-site flag to your listing(s). Staff must approve items for on-site sale, you will not be able to list items for sale on-site on your own.
Once staff has been notified and your item(s) approved, you will notice the “Listed for on-site sale” box has been checked.
Even if you’ve already sold item(s) on-site before, you must continue to email onsite@iowafood.coop whenever you’d like to bring items. This allows staff to determine on-site needs and arrange for a drop off time if it isn’t during our normal distribution hours. Please note: a majority of work by staff is done from home. Do not assume someone will be at the cooperative to accept your products if you show up unannounced.
All the items must be labeled using the same software generated labels as online orders. From your Producer Catalog or Producer Inventory page, locate your item(s) and hit the “labels” button next to the items you want to bring for sale. Please make sure your item is listed for on-site (as seen in the status column below):
After clicking the labels button, enter the quantity of labels you wish to print.
If your items are variable weights, you will be prompted to enter in product weights prior to printing labels. You must enter each weight and ensure you match the label with the corresponding physical product!
Your price may be written on the product itself or on the labels after printing.
If your item is too small for the entire software-generated label, IFC staff will cut it and put on the product. To avoid inventory errors, please do not do this yourselves.
Only staff can change on-site prices (your items are allowed to have separate prices for on-site and web sales) and only staff can change your on-site inventory numbers (such as removing an item from on-site availability). If you would like either of these changed, email onsite@iowafood.coop. Changing your web order pricing will not automatically change the on-site prices, you must email staff.
Items sold will be visible via the Producer Invoices link on your Producer tab. Regular invoices are generated when your online sale inventory is delivered, and your onsite invoice is generated Sundays after the shopping cycle ends.
This is an agreement between the seller and the Iowa Food Cooperative. Products that do not sell or that have a short date/shelf life will be donated to volunteers or a food pantry unless you make other arrangements.