Setting up your producer profile
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Setting up your producer profile
To begin: log in at
Click on the Producer tab at the top
Edit “About Producer”: this page serves as your public profile; edit and keep it updated.
Your Story
This is the place to tell us about you as a producer, not about your product. Our goal is to develop personal connections between consumers and producers so you’ll want to take this time to tell your story so consumers can get to know you. Are you a third generation farmer? Or are you a new producer teaching yourself about the latest in generative farming practices? Are you a long time native of the area or a newcomer?
There are also options for you to add links to your website and any social media!
What do you sell and what makes them stand out? Are they baked goods made from a long-held family recipe? Yarn made from your own flock of heritage-breed sheep? Heirloom tomatoes?
Your practices and ingredients:
Here’s the section where you can tell us about your practices (are your products grown without chemical pest control? do your cows roam freely in vast pastures before they become steaks?) and ingredients (do you focus on only local ingredients? do you forage for some of your items?). Many consumers are shopping based on what’s in their food and how it’s produced, so be as clear as you can.
Edit Producer registration: Please take note! Editing your registration will return your producer account to the “pending” status. Only IFC staff can approve the addition of new categories. If you’d like to sell within additional categories, edit this form and check additional category boxes. You will not be able to sell any products and must contact IFC to be listed again.
Edit your Status: If your status is marked as “unlisted”, your products will not be available for sale. This is a good option if you are taking a sales cycle off but don’t want to individually un-list items.